
Friday, September 27, 2013

So, I Don't Want To Write

When thoughts overflow
I wish to put them in words
But the words on my mind are ineffable
So, I don’t want to write.

When feelings are mingled
I wish to give them a place in my diary
But can’t comprehend those emotions
So, I don’t want to write.

When dreams shatter
I wish to pen them to find solace
But that would not make my dreams come true
So, I don’t want to write.

When Kith and kin depart
I wish to write in their memory
Writing would not bring back the happy times…
So, I don’t want to write.

When solitude disconcerts me
I wish to beat my loneliness by words
Verses I create are even more depressing
So, I don’t want to write.

When life brings happiness
I wish to share it with all, even I write
But can’t find ultimate satisfaction
So, I don’t want to write.

When pleasures of life unfold
I feel the ecstasy, and the desire to write
Soon sorrows of others hover around my mind
So, I don’t want to write.

When I am close to the serene nature
I wish to write in its praise
Then I am reminded of nature’s catastrophe
So, I don’t want to write.

When I think of my life and deeds
I wish to give them the face of poetry
My poem remains incomplete
So, I don’t want to write.

When my expression remains indefinable
I try to give definition with the ink
But certain things in life are inexpressible
So, I don’t want to write.

When there is anguish in the heart
I wish to bind it in an ode
But then, the despair would always remain
So, I don’t want to write.

When eyes are full of tears
I drop them on paper to leave a mark
But that only crumbles the sheet
So, I don’t want to write.
So, I don’t want to write

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bestowed Bliss

He has come my way
To alter life and augment joy
Adorning a divine smile
He makes me feel sublime
Radiant as he is, my life is glowing
Filling caskets of happiness
My life is fragrant like flowers

Moments are ecstatic
He comes to me as bliss
With his feather like touches
Blessing is bestowed on me
Like an angel
He resides in my soul
Showering all his love

Holding my hand, he walks beside me
Kissing my lips to a smile
I feel the warmth in his hug
Deep inside his eyes, I see my journey through life
I have found solace
With wings spread
I sway with him